[Teddy Punk II] [Long May It Wave]
[Fantasy Illustrations By Little Paw]


TERRIE SMITH - Born in the mythical land of Cape Cod, Terrie has traveled all around the world.  She has been drawing since she could pick up a crayon (graduating to more sophisticated drawing tools in later years).  She attended the University of Tennessee, majoring in art.

Contrary to rumour, Terrie does not just do "blank" art.  She does elves, centaurs, wildlife, and yes, occasionally, "anthropomorphic" art.   Her tools vary from an airbrush to a computer tablet.  She has done countless illustrations for various fanzines, pencilling & inking for several comic companies, and has done all phases of "full frame" animation on computer for education, TV, and theatrical release.  She is currently working on several comics, including HAVOC, Inc. with Deck & Chester {the ringtail, natch...} (from Radio Comix), Lark & Key (from United Publications), as well as novel illustrations in some Vision Entertainment books (Whisper Of Wings & Rats Of Acomar, both by Paul Kidd).

All artwork & written material used with permission.
No reuse of any artwork for a link image OR icon without express written permission.
For an in-depth article on copyrights, click here.
Entire contents © 1990-2025 Terrie Smith & Glen Wooten

What's New - March 22nd, 2025

The new ACEO Cards!

The new listing before Golden State Fur Con 2025!

Navigating the pages:

Below are some samples of Terrie's widely varied work, limited here only by the graphic quality of the web.  Click on the thumbnails for a larger view:

[Whisper Of Wings] [HAVOC Teaser] [Furry Pirates] [Selma] [Carnation Mage] [Tiger Lily] [Pirates, Inc.] [Hot Pants] [Kayliegh Kit] [Kermit]


Terrie Smith, Post Office Box 1376, Lemon Grove, CA   91946-1376    USA

[The Eleventh Commandment - Thou Shalt Not Violate Copyright - Lest You Be Violated] [This page under constant construction]